Sunday, February 05, 2006
Sunday at the Balet

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Nice shot of the Balet there, miss shakey fingers. Gotta hold that camera still for no-flash shots in the dark! Brace it against a rail, a chair, a wall, whatever ... trust in me, and you can do no wrong. *B*
This is much better, sweetie. You're looking good. Food sounds absolutely bad for one's health.
We're watching the super bowl now. Pretty good game. Detroit looks pretty good, too! Nice and clean. Everything is going very well.
The pictures are great and very much welcome.
As Mandy said, it's getting colder. This coming week will be a bear. We're not used to it.
On a light note, I planted some lavender in a pot in the kitchen. Can't wait for the beautiful smell to come through. Also planted a lily in a pot in the living room. Looks nice. Hope I can keep it alive.
We're all set for the week's work too, baby doll. Had a very nice visit with Mandy and Sam. Missed Brian, but he's working hard on important stuff (that's the technical word for it). Saw Jeanette for a few minutes today, and spent yesterday with Mandy, Kelly, and kids as we went with Mandy for wedding dress shopping. This trip was much better, people were super nice, and she had a few favorites to choose from. Wait til you see it :-)
Love, mom
We're watching the super bowl now. Pretty good game. Detroit looks pretty good, too! Nice and clean. Everything is going very well.
The pictures are great and very much welcome.
As Mandy said, it's getting colder. This coming week will be a bear. We're not used to it.
On a light note, I planted some lavender in a pot in the kitchen. Can't wait for the beautiful smell to come through. Also planted a lily in a pot in the living room. Looks nice. Hope I can keep it alive.
We're all set for the week's work too, baby doll. Had a very nice visit with Mandy and Sam. Missed Brian, but he's working hard on important stuff (that's the technical word for it). Saw Jeanette for a few minutes today, and spent yesterday with Mandy, Kelly, and kids as we went with Mandy for wedding dress shopping. This trip was much better, people were super nice, and she had a few favorites to choose from. Wait til you see it :-)
Love, mom
That was actually the most stable picture I had of the place... believe me, I tried a few times, even held it against the railing, all to no avail. Oh well. To je zivot... that is life.
I guess I was about 3 blogs behind.
Enjoyed all of the pics and geting to see the people you have been talking about and where you rest your head, and feed your face. I haven't accomplished much these last few days since I was trying to rest up after the overtime I worked. I got the oil changed in your car when I had the alignment fixed, so it shoud be good for a while. I dive it for one week and then mine for a week. The food sounds good to me, but then you know I eat almost anything. Love you a bunch.
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Enjoyed all of the pics and geting to see the people you have been talking about and where you rest your head, and feed your face. I haven't accomplished much these last few days since I was trying to rest up after the overtime I worked. I got the oil changed in your car when I had the alignment fixed, so it shoud be good for a while. I dive it for one week and then mine for a week. The food sounds good to me, but then you know I eat almost anything. Love you a bunch.
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