Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Ahoy, Guten Tag, Jo Napot, and Ahoy again

Oy... I'm exhausted! Just got back from my five day trip. It was a blast, but I'm whupped. Okay, here's a very brief synopsis, and I won't have any pics up for awhile. I promise that they will all be up on snapfish by say June.

An old castle at the end of the hike from hell, sooo worth it.

Cesky Krumlov: cute little place, great bed and breakfast, bought shoes, ate a platter full of meat and made fun of the vegetarians... had the hike from hell where we all almost died, but didn't, a lot of people were sick, on to Vienna

The humando platter of meat... bwahahahaha!
Vienna: had weiner schnitzel (or whatever) really good, had Viennese coffee which tastes like cappucino, walked around A LOT, learned some German, broke down and bought Mc D's for lunch, on to Budapest

The Imperial Palace grounds

Pretty Rathaus(?) at night

Budapest: MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE EVER! especially at night, everyone got sick on the spicy food, went to the hot spas... nice, and took a boat tour down the Danube for my dad, learned some Magyar along the way, on to Bratislava

The beautiful, beautiful castle in Budapest

View down the Danube from Margaret Island

Bratislava: here for a total of four hours of which two and a half spent looking for a place to go potty, super cheap, they speak czech, lost two people and would have left them had we not spoken up on their behalf, on to home

The only neat thing I saw in Bratislava

Literally just got home about half an hour ago and leave again in 23 hours for Venice on a 12 hour long bus ride... UGH! My tummy is kind of mad at me with all this new food and moving around, so I'm off to Bohemia Bagel, baby! Then gonna go home and pass out for awhile... miss you all! BTW, I took about 325 pics and 3 videos, no joke, so the trip is well documented.

Great to hear from you and to read the update of your blog. Thanks for the trip on the Danube that I didn't get to take thirty some years ago. Hope you got some good pictures. So glad you are getting to see all of these wonderful places and hope you enjoy Venice.
Lotsa Love!
Hi, baby! Ditto what your dad said. Good to hear from you via "old man and goofy dog". I can't wait to see your pictures. Places sound absolutely breathtaking and historic. I love it.

It's getting Spring-like out here, so hope it makes its way to Prague.

Have fun, sweetie. Be safe, don't get left behind. Hold hands :-)
Love, Mom
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